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Recommendation letter

Letters of recommendation are important to admissions officers because they provide contextual interpretation of your academic performance. Writers share critical insight into your work habits and learning style as well as your ability to respond to challenges and setbacks. They can help explain irregularities in your academic program and/or performance and shed light into key factors that define your learning environment.

So who should you choose to write your letters? The people best positioned to support your application are those who know you well from your recent work in the classroom. They are familiar with your intellectual abilities and academic skills. They have watched you respond to a range of challenges in the classroom and understand your capacity and desire to learn.

They are your teachers, counselors, and advisers—they are your champions. Let them help you.

The following are five tips for securing recommendation letters that can help strengthen the overall presentation of your applications. As you anticipate the start of your senior year, keep the following in mind:

1. Choose teachers who know what you can do:

These are the teachers who push you and don’t let you settle for “good enough”—the folks who are more likely to be invested in your long-term success. Contrary to popular belief, your most insightful supporter may not be the teacher regarded as the most popular. Generally speaking, at least one of your recommends should be someone who is familiar with your critical thinking and communication skills.

2. Give your counselor and teachers the courtesy of time:

Your recommends need time to think about and prepare the letter. If you are a high school senior and still have not asked folks to write on your behalf, do it now! Extend the same consideration (time, access to information) you would want if confronted by a writing assignment that accounts for most of your grade in a class.

3. Talk with your recommenders about why college is important to you:

Share your dreams and ambitions. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses. If there are factors beyond your control that have influenced your ability to perform as you would have liked, make sure your recommenders are sufficiently informed so they can help you tell your “story.” Give them the necessary information and insight so they can write well-balanced letters on your behalf.

4. Share a brief résumé of your activities and achievements:

While your teachers know you well from your work in their respective classrooms, they may not have the benefit of the big picture that defines you.

5. Provide a list of your application deadlines and the appropriate forms:

This includes the pre-addressed, pre-posted envelopes used by each of the colleges for letters of recommendation. While your recommenders may elect to use their own forms, they will still benefit by being able to respond to the guidelines and information requests provided by the colleges to which you are applying.

Sample Recommendation Letter for your visa and admission applications